–PAIDAPPSFORFREE– “Krypton” 0Ground 100% 100103 100104 10011011 100111 1004 101 1010 1018 1019 1020 1043 1061 111203 114 11591 12/13 121/13 122910 123010 125070 126 130515/Build 13186 1324 1387 1391 140build26 1460 1519 1630 17/10/2016 1775 1863 187 193 1941 1942 1943 1976 1979 1Password 1Tap 200 200102 200108 200111 2014 2015 2016 20160913 2016120962 2017 2045 2070533 24031 250+ 26092016 2Don’t 2K17 30074027 30146018 305004 3071 3100 32602 32692 32801 32901 37002 39471633 3D3D 3DThemeWallpaper 3ILLIARDS 4×4 402004 43510707 4PNTS 500px 50th 51446899 51466090 5Empire 6/10/2016 600 6000 6012 615 77210443 7pranayama 8001 80020160926 80020161002 8425 9GAG Abandoned Abyssrium AbyssRiumMake Abzorb AC3/DTS academy Access Accounts AccupedoPro Acres action Adblocker AdClear Addict AdFree Adiutor Adobe AdsFree AdsFree/Mod Advanced adventure Adventures Aeon AeroDark Africa AFWall+ Again against agent Agents Ahead AIDE AIMP Airport Akinator Alarm AlarmPad Album Alcohol Alex Algorithm Alice Alien Aliens AliExpress AllinOne ALONE Alos Alpha Always Amaze AMAZING Amazon America AMERICAN Ammo Ammo/Money/AdFree Ammo/Premium/Unlocked amoled Among Ampere AmpMe Analyzer Ananias Andro android Anima Animal Animated anime Ankora Annabelle Anniversary Anonymous AntiChat antilost ANTIMATTER ANTIMO Antivirus AnTuTu ANYTHING Anywhere Angels Angry AOSP ApkTOOl Apocalypse AppHunt AppLock apps Apps2SD Appsaver Aptoide Aqua Aquarium arcade Archer ArcherCat Archiver Archos Arctic Arcus Arena Aris Arise Armies Army Arrow Arson Articon Ascendance Ascension Ash’d Asphalt Assassin AsterMiner Astraware ASTRO ASUS Athletics2 ATTACK Attorney Audify Audiko AUDIO Audiomack Auto Automagic Automation AutoResponder Autosync Avengers Aviate Away Awesome Azurro b141 b173 b18979 b266 b330 b385 b480 b519 Baby Back BackCountry Backdrops background Backup BADLAND BALL Balls/AdFree Balx Banded Banner Barbie Barcode BarcodeScanner Bard’s Barf Baseball Basketball BASS Bath battery BATTERYSAVER battle Battlefield BattlefieldOnline Battlefleet Battleforce Battleplans Battles Beach Bean’s Beasts beats Beautiful Beauty BeautyX BeerSmith BELUK Benchmark Berk Berry/Resource Berserk’s Berzerker BEST BETA beta1 beta7 BetterBatteryStats Betternet Bible Bike Bilal Billiards Bingo BioBeasts bird Birds Bits BitTorrent BLACK Black&Orange BlackPlayer Blade Bladebound BLADES Blak blast BLAZING BLEACH Blicke Blinker blitz BLOCK Blockage Blocker blocks Blocky Blood Bloons Blown Bluelight BlueStacks BlueSwag BlueWhiteAF Blur board Boat Bolt bomb Bomba Bomber BombSquad Book Books Boom boost Boosted BOOSTER Boostmind Boov Botanicula Bots Bottle Bounty Bowling Bowman Bowmasters Boxes Boxing Brain Brains Brave Braverychronicle Bravo Brawl Break Breaking breath Breed Briar Bricks BRIK Brilliant Brim British Broke Broken Brotherhood Brothers Browser Bruce Bubble Bubbles BubbleUPnP Budget build Builder Building BuildProp Builds Bulb Bullet Bulu Bundle Burning Burnout BusyBox Butler Butterflix Butterfly button ByteAway 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Illegal Illyria iLondon iLovecraft IM Image IMMATERIALIS Immersive Immortals Import/Export IMPROVE improved inApp INC Indicators Infamy Infection Infinite Infinity INFO Injustice Inland Innsmouth Insomnia Inspired InstaCam Instagram Installer Instantly INTERNET Intl Invasion Invincible Ingenious iPlay iPlayer iPoe IPTV Ireland iRIUM Iron iRoot iShredder™ island ISLANDS iSlash iSwift iTag Italy iTop Ittle iWilde Jabber jack Jade Jail Japan Japanese Japanese/Mod Jaron Jason jelly JetAudio jigsaw JiMODs Jimtechs John Joiner Jono journey Joystick Juice Juicy jump jungle justice KAIP Kane’s Kanji KARDASHIAN Karmanu Kart KasatMata Kathy KEEP KENDALL Kernel KEYBOARD Keypad keys Khan Kheshig Kids Kill Killer Kimkom KinScreen king kingdom Kings Kitchen Kitty Klondike KLWP KMPlayer knight Knights Knock Kodi KOMBAT Kosmik Kumba Kustom KWGT Kyklos KYLIE Labs Lair land lands Lantern Lanterns LANGUAGES Lara Larva Laser Last Latest launcher Launchergalaxy LauncherThemeWallpaper Lavender LayerPaint LAZY League Leap Learn Learner’s LEGACY Legend Legendary Legends LEGO Leo’s Let’s Letter Level Leviathan Lexicomp Libraries LibriVox Lidow LIFE Life/Mana Lifeline Lifesum LIGHT Lightblue Lightning Lights Lilys LIMP LINE lines LinkZ Lirbi list LITE Little live LiveBoot lives Lives/Boosters Lives/Boosters/Unlock Lives/Moves LiveScore LOCATION LOCK Locker logger++ Login Lollipop LOLSUMO London long look Looney Loons loot Looty Lord Lords Lose Loss LOST LOVE Lucid Lucky Lucy LUMINES Lumio Lutzka lv101 Lyrics Machinations Machines MacroDroid Madwarf Maestro Mafia Magazine magic Magical Magnesium Magnifier Magnus Maharashtra Mahjong Maid mail MailCal Major Make7 Maker Maki Malware MAMA Man’s Mana Manage/Track ManageBox MANAGER Mania Mannequin Maps MAPSME Marathi Marble Marine Mars Marshals Marshmallow MARVEL master match match3 Matchbox Mate Materia Material MATERIALISTIK Math MATHPro MAXIMUM Maze mconnect MedHand MEDIA medieval Meditation MEGA MegaCast MegaPack Melody memory Memrise Mental MENU Merendam Mermaid messages Messenger Messi MetaHuman METAL Meteogram meter Metro Miami Microsoft Midnight Midori Militia Millenium MilusPro mimaui Mimpi Mind Mindroid Mine Minecraft mini Minimal MINIMALE Minimalist Minimizer Minute Miriel’s Mirror Miss missing mission MIUI MiXplorer Mixtapes Mngr Mobfish mobile MobileSheetsPro MOD Mod/Official Mod/Root MODDED mode Mode/1 Mode/High Mode/Unlock modern ModernWarWarfare Mods Mods/23+ Moko Momey MOMO money Money/AdFree Money/AdFree/Clean Money/AdsFree Money/Energy Money/Energy/Level Money/Energy/Unlocked Money/Exp/SP/AdFree Money/Free Money/Fuel/AdFree Money/Health/AdFree Money/Keys/Energy Money/Lives Money/Lives/AdFree Money/Skill Money/Stamina Money/Unlock Money/Unlock/AdsFree Money/Unlocked Money/Unlocked/AdFree Money/Vip Money/XP Monitor Monotono monster monsters MONTH Mood Moon Moose More Morphing MORTAL Moto Motocross MotoGP Motor Motorsport Mouse MOVEMENT Moves/Lives movie Movies MrCatt MRRW Multiplayer Murdered Murderer music Musicolet Musixmatch MUVIZ MuzikoMusic MyFitnessPal MyLifeOrganized MyLocker mystery Mystic n7player Naked Napoleon Naptime Nation National Navbar Navigation Navigator NAZG NCIS Necromancer NEED Neighbourhood NEON Netflix NetGuard NETWORK Neutron News NEXT Nflix Night Nights Nighty Nimbbi ninja Ninjas Nitro NOAA NoAds Noah’s Noisli Noizy NOLA Nonogram Nonograms NonRoot Noom NoRoot North Northland NOTE Notepad NOTES Notific notification Notifications Notifier Nov/Cheat NOVA NYTimes Objects Ocean Oceanhorn OCR office OfficeSuite official OFFLINE Offroad OKRU On/Off ONE OnePlus online OpenSignal OpenVPN opera Option OrangeKitten orbt Order Organize Organized Origin original Origins OriginSEA Orion Otogi Outlook Overtake Owl’s Oxford Pacific Pack Package PACMAN Paid Paid+Patched Painnt Paname Panda PandoraThe Panic Pango Paperback PaperMon paradise Paradox Parallel Parallyzed Parchis Park parking Parkour Parrot Party PASSWORD Passwords Patched Patched/Modded Patched/Unlimited Patcher Patchwork Path Pathfinder PathPix Patrick Patti Pavilion Pawp Paws PBA® PEACH Peaks Pearl’s Pedometer Pegasus Pencil Penguin people Peppa Perchang Perfect Peril Periodic Persia Personalized PES2017 pets PetWorld PewDiePie’s phantom PHIX phone photo Photographers photos Phrasal Phrases physics Piano Picasa Picnic Picross Pics PicsArt PicSay Picture Picturesque PIECE Piglet Piktures Pilot Pinball Pipe Pirate Pirates pixel Pixelized Pixelmon Pixoff PlanIt PlanPlus Plants Platinum play player Player+EQ Plex Plinko™ Plugin PLUS pocket Pocketshare Podcast Point Points PokéMesh Pokemon POKER Polarr Political PONY Pool Port Potato Potter power PowerAudio powerful PowerPoint PR136682927 practice Precious Prehistoric premium Premium/Cars Premium/Mod Preschool PRESETS Pressure PRIME prince princess Print PrinterShare™ PrintHand Prisma PRIVACY Private PRO☆LittleModded☆ ProCamera Professional Profile Project Propel Proper protect ProtonMail Prov084 Proxy Psiphon Public Pudding Pumped Punctuation Puppet PuppetShow PURCHASE Pure Purify Pusher puzzle puzzles Pyramid Quantum Quest QuestApk+Obb Quick QuickEdit Quiz Quizoid Quran r2656 Race Racer Racers racing Radar Radardroid Radiation Radio Rage Raging RAID Raiders Rain Rainpaper RALLY RAMSAY Random Ranker Rangers Rapala Rate/AdFree Reader REAL Realm RealParking3D RealTimes Reaper Rebellion Rebirth Reboot Rebuild RecForge Recipes Recognition Recorder Rectron Red7 REDDEN Reddit Redish Reed Reflex Refresher Reigns Relax Relay RELEASE relic Reloaded Remastered REMINDER REMOTE Removed Remover Repair Replies Report Representative Republic Republique rescue Resizer Resolution Respawnables Rest Restaurant RESTORE RETRO RETRORIKA Revenge ReverseTethering Revolution Rewards Rewun RexUI RGarfield Rhyme Riches Rider riders Rifon RINGTONE Ringtones Rise Rises RISING Risks Rival Rivals Road roads Robbery Robin Robot Robot151exfiltrati0napk Robots ROCKET Rogue Roguelike Roll RollerCoaster Rolling Romance Roofbot Room rooms ROOT ROOT/MOD 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SKRWT Skylanders Skyline Skyrealm slam Slayer Slayin Sled Sleep Sleeping Sleepy Slice slide Slimeking’s Sling Slingo Slots SLUG Smallwood SMART smartWake smash Smashing Smashy Smoke Smugy Smurfs Snapseed SnapTube SNES Sniper Snooker Soccer SOCIAL Society Socxel Soda SofaScore Software Sokoban Solid Solitaire Solitairica SolMail solver Something Sometimes Sonic Sons Sorcery Sorus Soul Souls Souls/Drop SOUND SoundCloud SoundHound sounds space SpaCee SpaceMulti Spaceship Sparky special speech SPEED Speedcams Speedometer Spellbinders Spellspire Spike spirit Splash Sporto sports Spotify Spring Spyware SQUAD Square Stable Stacks Standoff star Stargate stars Stars/All Stars/Unlocked Starting Starve Statham Station STATUS STAY Steal STEALTH steel Stick Sticker Stickman Sticko Stock Stolen STOP Storage Store Stories STORY Stream Streams street STRENGTH STRIKE STRIKERS strikes student Studio Study Stuff Stunt stuntmaster Stupid STYLE Stylish Subscribed Substratum Subtitles subway Such Sudden sudoku SUITE summer Summoner Summoners Summoning Sumos Sun/Silver Super SuperBrawlRPG Supermonkey SuperPhoto Supporter Supreme surfers survival Survivalcraft Survivors Swamp SWAP Swift SWIFTKEY Swiftly swipe Switch sword Swordigo Swords Sworkit Sygic Symbolab Symphony SYNC SYSTEM SystemGlow Tabata Table Tablet Tabs Tactile TaggerMusicEditor Takraw Tale Talent TALES Talisman Talking Tallowmere Talon tank Tanks Tangled Tangram Tap…2 Tapatalk Tapped Tappers Taps Target task Tasker TaskManager tasks Tattoo Taxi TBatteryPro teacher TeamSpeak Teen Telegram Templar temple Temsa7 Tenex Tennis Terra Terrarium Terror Teslacons TeslaUnread test test1 TEXT Textra THANKS Theater TheEternitySheWishedFor Theft them theme themes thief Things This Thumbnail Thunder TickTick Tigad Tiles TIME Timer Times Timestamp Timetable Tinder Tinker Tiny tinyCam Titan titans Todo Tokens/Unlocked Tomb Tomtom Tool Toolbox Tools Toolset Toolwiz Topo Topographer Torque Torrent Toshl Total touch Touchgrind TouchPal TouchWiz Toughest Tour tower Towers town Township TRACK Tracker TrackID™ Tracks4Africa Traders Traffic Trail Train Trainer training Transfer TransferSharing Transformers Transit Translator Transparent Transport travel treasure TreasureCruise TreasureHunter Treats Trello Trench TRIAL Trials TRIANGLE Tricolori TRIGGER Trillionaire Trip Trivia Tropic Trouble Troubled Truck True Tsum TTPOD Tubemate Tuber Tubio TuneIn Tunes Turbo Turtles Tutor Tweaker Tweaks Tweetings Twilight TwitPanePlus TWITTER TwoPixel TWRP Ubuntu UK UkTVNow Ultimate ULTRA UltraMod Umbra Unblock Unchained Unicorn Unified unit Universal UNKILLED Unleashed Unlimited UNLOCKED Unlocked/AdFree Unlocked/Ads Unlocked/Coins/AdsFree Unlocked/Mod Unlocker Unofficial UnPivot Unreleased UNROOT UPDATE Updated updater Updates Upgrade Upper Uptodown Uret USAGE USTV v/fourtyseven/ v001 v0011 v002 v0021 v0036 v0036~37 v008 v01

WPS Office + PDF v9.9.7
Requirements: 4.0+




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WPS Office can open almost any file type including PDFS and Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents. This means when you use WPS Office to open a document from your email or favorite cloud service, you can be sure it will look exactly the way it would on your PC.

WPS Office comes loaded with features similar to what you’d find on a PC office solution. This includes advanced text and paragraph formatting options as well as the ability to add and edit images, shapes, tables and charts directly into your presentation or document.

With WPS Office you can share your files through email, Evernote and more. You can also share presentations with others other smartphones and tablets using Wi-Fi.

Using WPS Office you can access and edit documents from your favorite cloud drive. When you are done editing, WPS Office will automatically save them back online.

Easily move between and manage multiple open documents with WPS Office’s new Document Tab feature.

WPS Office Highlights
• One small app includes Presentation, Writer and Spreadsheets
• Uniquely designed for Android smartphones and tablets*
• Fully compatible with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel
• Open almost any file format including DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, PDF and more
• Access documents from Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and WebDAV
• Share documents and presentations using WIFI or DLNA
• Send documents through email and text message
• Save documents to the cloud
• Keep your work safe with auto-save and document encryption
• Works with both USB and Bluetooth keyboards
• Use familiar keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+C and Ctrl+P
• Full support for wireless printing (including PDFs!)
• Support for 47 different languages

• Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint
• Insert and edit images, shapes, text boxes, audio and notes into presentations
• Insert charts and tables
• View notes in presenter mode
• Touch controlled laser pointer, pen and highlighter
• And more

• Fully compatible with Microsoft Word
• Advanced collaboration features including track changes, comments and spell check
• Save documents as a PDF
• Rich text and paragraph formatting features
• Find and replace
• And more

• Fully compatible with Microsoft Excel
• Includes dozens of formula and function shortcuts
• Supports pivot tables, freeze frames, sorting, table styles and more
• Insert charts, including bar, pie, line and column
• Edit cell categories (number, text, percentage, etc.)
• And more

LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kingsoftwps
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wps_office
Visit us at http://www.wps.com

* WPS Office supports Android 2.3 and above

We will ask for the following permissions:
1. Messages: Allow WPS to open email document attachments
2. Storage: Allow WPS to access and modify office documents on SD card
3. Network Communication and System Tools: Allow WPS Office to take advantage of features such as SharePlay and wireless printing


WPS Office V9.9 fully supports the latest Android 7.0 Nougat OS. Multi-window mode lets you easy to deal with different tasks at the same time.
Other Highlights Features:
– Improved the stuttering issue when scrolling the document that includes combinations, 3D and other complicated objects.
– Compatibility with the PC font subject set.
– Increase the speed of screen scrolling up to 50%.
– Added support for animated gifs.
– Added 6 new 3D transition effects: Pan, Conveyor, Window, and more!

This app has Google Mobile Ads advertisements

More Info:


Download Instructions:


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